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Fitting Fixed Rooflights

Author - Gavin Helgeson

Rooflights Division Manager

fixed rooflight on crane

Transforming your living or working space by letting in natural light comes with a lot of benefits. Fixed rooflights are ideal for bringing in natural light to dark interiors and also adding to the architectural aesthetic. In this short guide, you will find information for both builders and buyers, we’ll walk you through the process of installing Duplus fixed rooflights, including their placement on an upstand and how to accurately determine the necessary measurements.

  • Grasp the Essentials: Fixed Rooflights and Upstands
    Fixed rooflights are non-opening skylights designed to bring natural light indoors. An upstand is a raised wooden frame that creates a gap between the rooflight and the roof surface, allowing a structure to fit the fixed rooflight to, proper drainage and preventing water infiltration.
  • Picking the Perfect Spot and Size
    Before diving into your rooflight installation, it’s important to decide where your fixed rooflight will be placed and order the right size. The dimensions should complement the room’s layout, ensuring even light distribution. Consider the orientation of the room, where your furniture is positioned and any architectural elements that might affect the rooflight’s placement.
  • Tools and Materials
    Your builder or installer should have the necessary tools and materials. But for your peace of mind, it’s useful to have:

    • Duplus Fixed rooflight
    • Weathered Upstand
    • Measuring tape
    • Spirit level
    • Screwdriver/drill
    • Safety gear (gloves, safety glasses, etc.)
  • Precise Measurements are Key
    Accurate measurements are the foundation of a successful installation. Measure the external dimensions of the upstand, both length and width including the weathering membrane thickness. Optimal lighting is achieved when the width of the rooflight is perpendicular to the longer side of the room.
  • Installing the Upstand
    Place the upstand according to the manufacturer’s instructions, creating a fall on the upstand and securely positioned. Attach the upstand to the roof using appropriate fixings, confirming its stability.
  • Preparing the Roof Opening
    Create an opening in the roof by subtracting the width of the upstand from the external upstand measurements taken earlier. Prioritise safety and follow relevant guidelines.
  • Mounting the Fixed Rooflight
    Position the fixed rooflight on top of the upstand, ensuring it is centered and aligns with your room’s layout. Ensure that the rubber gasket on the underside of the frame is compressed between the frame and the top of the weatherproofed upstand. Secure the rooflight to the upstand using the fixings provided.
  • Final Adjustments
    Fit the painted aluminium trims provided, to the perimeter of the rooflight to conceal fixings and to finish off the rooflight.
    Inspect the installation for secure fixing, proper alignment, and effective sealing. Clean the frame and glass (if required) to remove any dust or dirt.
  • Installation Complete
    With the fixed rooflight successfully installed, it’s time to enjoy the natural light that now enhances your home. Combining natural light with interior elegance improves both aesthetics and functionality. In the realm of architecture and design, fixed rooflights are highly efficient. Installation is relatively simple and successful if manufacturer instructions are carefully followed. Duplus rooflights come fully pre-assembled, meaning enhanced security and faster installation.

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